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Battle Cry

Forum rpg dystopique

battle, dystopie


Impérial First, ou [-(I. F)-]. Nous sommes une Multi-Gaming présent sur : Battlefront 2, League Of Legends, Minecraft, Guild Wars 2 et surement à venir sur Battlecry et Battlefront DICE !

[-(i.f)-], team, multi-gaming, battlefront, battlefield, #battlecry, star, wars, guild, minercraft

Warlords Battlecry III

Bienvenue dans notre quartier!!!. Warlords Battlecry III

orcs, warlords, #battlecry

Ryuuketsu No Toki

Some days, some nights, some live, some die, in the way of the samurai, some fight, some bleed, sun up to sun down, the sons of a battlecry.

japon, samurai, samourais, samurais, ninja, combat, samourai, role

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